Mammoth Cave Area Flora
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Shrubs, bushes, vines
Grasses, rushes, sedges
Aquatics and other plant types
All wildflowers
SPRING Yellow-Orange Fls
SPRING Blue/purple fls
SPRING White Flowers
SUM-Fall blue, purple
SUM-FALL yel. orange
SUM-FALL white fls
ALL Red, pink fls
ALL Other colored fls
Invasive species
Families and Common names
Family Traits
Group ID guides
Blazing stars
Knotweeds & smartweeds
St John's Wort
Sunflowers and similar
Yellow and Orange Flowers
Summer and Fall Seasons
Species names link to individual pages.
For bushes and vines, click
Agrimony, soft
Agrimonia p
Agrimony, southern -
Agrimonia parviflora
Agrimony, woodland -
Agrimonia rostellata
Bear's foot
Polymnia uvedalia
Beggars-ticks, few-bracted
- Bidens discoidea
Black-eyed susan
Rudbeckia hirta
Bladderwort, creeping -
Urticularia gibba
Brown-eyed susan -
Rudbeckia triloba
Buttercup, bulbous -
Ranunculus bulbosus
Butterfly weed -
Asclepias tuberosa
Butterweed -
Packera glabella
Cinquefoil, sulfur -
Potentilla recta
Compass plant -
Silphium laciniatum
Coneflower, grayheaded-
Ratibida pinnata
Coneflower, orange
Rudbeckia fulgida
var. umbrosa
Coneflower sweet -
Rudbeckia tenax
Coneflower, tall -
Rudbeckia laciniata
Coneflower, woodland -
Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida
Crownbeard -
Verbesina helianthoides
Crownbeard -
Verbesina occidentalis
Cup plant -
Silphium perfoliatum
Dandelion -
Taraxacum officinale
Evening primrose -
Oenothera biennis
False foxglove, downy -
ureolaria virginica
False foxglove, yellow -
Aureolaria flava
Flax, common yellow -
Linum medium
Flax, ridgestem yellow -
Linum striatum
Goat's beard, fistulose -
Tragopogon dubius
Goat's beard, showy -
Tragopogon pratensis
Golden-aster, Maryland -
(Chrysopsis mariana)
Soft goldaster -
Bradburia pilosa
Guide to area Goldenrods - click
Goldenrod, blue-stemmed
Solidago caesia
Goldenrod, Canada -
Solidago canadensis
Goldenrod, early -
Solidago juncea
Goldenrod, elm-leaved -
Solidago ulmifolia
Goldenrod, false
- Solidago sphacelata
Goldenrod, flat-topped -
Euthamia graminifolia
Goldenrod, forest -
Solidago arguta
Goldenrod, grey -
Solidago nemoralis
Goldenrod, riverbank -
Solidago rupestris
Goldenrod, rough -
Solidago rugosa
Goldenrod, rough-leaved -
Solidago patula
Goldenrod, Showy (or erect) -
(Solidago speciosa)
Goldenrod, smooth -
Solidago gigantea
Goldenrod, stiff -
Oligoneuron rigidum
Goldenrod, sweet -
Solidago odora
Goldernod, zigzag -
Solidago flexicaulis
Ground-cherry, clammy -
Physalis heterophylla
Ground-cherry, cutleaf -
Physalis angulata
Ground-cherry, longleaf
- Physalis longifolia
Ground-cherry, Virginia -
Physalis virginiana
Hawkweed, hairy -
Hieracium gronovii
Hawkweed, panicled -
Hieracium paniculatum
Hawkweed, sticky -
Hieracium scabrum
Hedge-mustard -
Sisymbrium sp.
Hop clover -
Trifolium agrarium
Horse balm -
Collinsonia canadensis
Jerusalem artichoke -
Helianthus tuberosus
Jewelweed, orange -
Impatiens capensis
Jewelweed, pale -
Impatiens pallida
Lettuce -
Lily, blackberry -
Iris domestica
Lily, tiger -
Loosestrife, fringed -
Lysimachia ciliata
Loosestrife, hybrid -
Lysimachia hybrida
Loosestrife, lance-leaved -
Lysimachia lanceolata
Lotus, American - Nelumbo lutea
Meadow-parsnip, bearded -
Thaspium barbinode
Mullein -
Verbascum thapsus
Mullein Foxglove -
(Dasistoma macrophylla)
Partridge-pea -
Partridge pea, sensitive -
Chamaecrista nictitans
Pencil-flower -
Stylosanthes biflora
Prairie dock-
Silphium pinnatifidum
Prickly pear -
Opuntia humifusa
Primrose-willow, creeping -
Ludwigia peploides
Ragwort, balsam -
Packera paupercula
Rattlebox (or seedbox) -
Ludwigia alternifolia
Rosinweed, whorled -
Silphium trifoliatum
Sneezeweed, autumn -
Helenium autumnale
Sneezeweed, narrow-leaved -
Helenium amarum
Sneezeweed, purple-headed -
Helenium flexuosum
Sow-thistle, common -
Sonchus oleraceus
Sow-thistle, field -
Sonchus arvensis
Spanish needles -
Bidens bipinnata
St. Andrew's Cross -
St. John's wort, common -
Hypericum perforatum
St. John's wort, coppery -
Hypericum denticulatum
St. John's wort, dwarf -
Hypericum mutilum
St. John's wort, shrubby -
Hypericum prolificum
St. John's wort, spotted -
Hypericum punctatum
St. John's wort, straggling -
Hypericum dolabriforme
Sticktight -
Bidens frondosa
Sundrops -
Sunflower, annual -
Helianthus annuus
Sunflower, ashy -
Helianthus mollis
Sunflower, Eggert's -
Helianthus eggertii
Sunflower, forest -
Helianthus decapetalus
Sunflower, hairy -
Helianthus hirsutus
Sunflower, Maximilian's -
Sunflower, ox-eye -
Heliopsis helianthoides
Sunflower, rough-leaved -
Helianthus strumosus
Sunflower, sawtooth -
Helianthus grosseseratus
Sunflower, small-headed -
Helianthus microcephalus
Sunflower, western -
Helianthus occidentalis
Sunflower, woodland -
Helianthus divaricatus
Sweet clover, yellow -
Melilotus officinalis
Tickseed, forest -
Coreopsis major
Tickseed, lance-leaved -
Coreopsis lanceolata
Tickseed, tall -
Coreopsis tripteris
Tickseed-sunflower -
Bidens aristosa
Tickseed-sunflower, Ozark - Bidens polylepis
Wild senna -
Senna marilandica
Wingstem, yellow -
Verbesina alternifolia