Mammoth Cave Area Flora
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Shrubs, bushes, vines
Grasses, rushes, sedges
Aquatics and other plant types
All wildflowers
SPRING Yellow-Orange Fls
SPRING Blue/purple fls
SPRING White Flowers
SUM-Fall blue, purple
SUM-FALL yel. orange
SUM-FALL white fls
ALL Red, pink fls
ALL Other colored fls
Invasive species
Families and Common names
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Blazing stars
Knotweeds & smartweeds
St John's Wort
Sunflowers and similar
Weedy species
These species are found in waste places, open fields, and along roadsides.
Species names are linked to individual pages.
For a list of all plants and families in this flora, click
Bedstraw -
Galium aparine
Bindweed, field -
Convolvulus arvensis
Bindweed, hedge -
Calystigia sepium
Bitter-cress, hoary -
Cardamine hirsuta
Burdock -
Arctium minus
Buttercup, hispid -
Ranunculus hispidus
Buttercup, small-flowered -
Ranunculus micranthus
Carpetweed -
Mollugo verticillata
Chickweed, common -
Stellaria media
Chickweed, mouse-eared -
Cerastrium glomeratum
Clearweed -
Pilea pumila
Cocklebur -
Xanthium strumarium
Crabweed -
Fatoua villosa
Crane's-bill, cutleaf -
Geranium dissectum
Cress, mouse-ear -
Arabidopsis thaliana
Croton, tooth-leaved -
Croton glandulosus
Cudweed, purple -
Gamochaeta purpurea
Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale
Dayflower -
Commelina communis
Dead-nettle, red -
Lamium purpureum
Dock, bitter -
Rumex obtusifolius
Dock, curly -
Rumex crispus
Eyebane -
Euphorbia nutans
Field-madder -
Sherardia arvensis
Flatsedge, globe -
Cyperus echinatus
Galinsoga -
Galinsoga quadriradiata
Garlic, field -
Allium vineale
Garlic, wild -
Allium canadense
Ground-ivy -
Glechoma hederacea
Henbit -
Lamium amplexicaule
Horseweed -
Conyza canadensis
Knotweed, Japanese -
Reynoutria japonica
Korean-clover -
Lespedeza stipulacea
Lady's Thumb
- Persicaria maculosa
Lamb's quarters -
Chenopodium album
Marsh elder, rough -
Iva annua
Morning-glory, common -
Ipomoea purpurea
Nettle, stinging -
Urtica dioica
Peppergrass -
Lepidium campestre
Pigweed -
Amaranthus s
Plantain, American -
Plantago rugelii
Plantain, English -
Plantago lanceolata
Plantain, hoary -
Plantago virginica
Prairie tea -
Croton monanthogynus
Purslane -
Portulaca oleracea
Queen Anne's Lace -
Daucus carota
Redstem filaree -
Erodium cicutarium
Sandmat -
Euphorbia humistrata
Shepherd's purse -
Capsella bursa-pastoris
Sida -
Sida spinosa
Smartweed, long-bristled -
Polygonum caespitosum
Sorrel, sheep -
Rumex acetosella
Speedwell, birdseye -
Veronica persica
Speedwell, field -
Veronica agrestis
Speedwell, heath -
Veronica officinalis
Spring-cress -
Cardamine rhomboidea
Spurge, toothed -
Euphorbia dentata
Teasel -
Dipsacus fullonum
Thistle, Canada -
Cirsium arvense
Thistle, nodding -
Carduus nutans
Whitlow-grass, short-fruited -
Draba brachycarpa
Whitlow-grass, vernal -
Draba verna
Yerba-de-tajo -
Eclipta prostrata