A guide to area sunflowers and similar yellow flowers in the Asteraceae
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Almost all of the species listed below have more than one common name. Latin names are the only way to reliably differentiate them. Phyllaries are the green bracts directly beneath the yellow flower heads.
Real sunflowers are in the genus Helianthus.
Eggert's sunflower - Helianthus eggertii
Forest sunflower - Helianthus decapetalus
Hairy sunflower - Helianthus hirsutus
Rough-leaved sunflower - Helianthus strumosus
Sawtooth sunflower- Helianthus grosseratus
Small-headed sunflower - Helianthus microcephalus
Western sunflower - Helianthus occidentalis
Woodland sunflower - Helianthus divaricatus
Ox-eye (or false) sunflower, genus Heliopsis, differs from all species in the genus Helianthus by its fertile rays. Each ray petal has a small, forked style at its base.
Members of the genus Silphium all have stiff recurved sepals (green petals) beneath the yellow flower head.
Compass plant - Silphium laciniatum an uncommon prairie species, rare in our area. stem leaves are deeply lobed. |
Whorled rosinweed - Silphium trifoliatum
Other yellow summer flowers in the Asteraceae.
Gray-headed coneflower - Ratibida pinnata
Crownbeard (fall) - Verbesina occidentalis
Yellow wingstem - Verbesina alternifolia
Prairie golden-aster - Heterotheca camporum